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Heading to a Business Conference? Here's what you'll want to pack.

Having attended quite a few conferences in my entrepreneurial journey, I've learned what the necessities are that you'll want to have in your suitcase. I'm of the mind that less is NOT more, you don't know what you may need! Better to be over-prepared.  A cardigan or sweater – It’s always freezing at these things. Where do they think we’re all coming in from, Antarctica? I always take a pashmina or scarf as well. Doubles as a blanket on the plane, a cold conference room or looks cute if you head outside and it's chilly. Something to make you stand out. Are you going to have a deck of mini cards you've created with phrases or quotes instead of business cards (just...

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Top 5 Cheap and Easy Things To Do With Your College Age Daughter

Building a strong relationship is about taking the time and effort to create connections. Whether you're the mom or daughter reading this, take the initiative and make a plan to have some fun, meaningful time together. Now I know it's easy to get on eachother's nerves and building these strong bonds happens well before the college years, but hey, this is where you are now, so let's make it happen! Summer is here and you might get some time together so here are my 5 favorite cheap things to do. 1. The no brainer pedi/mani with a stop at your local coffee shop first so you can grab a latte to go. About $90 for 2 2. Pick a cute...

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And...I'm off to Mexico again!

I {love} Mexico, especially with my hubby!Say what? You haven't been on vacation in over a year, or two or three, or five. You need to fix that fast! Vacation is so incredibly important on so many levels. It's where you can really connect on a fun, easy, stress free level with whoever you go with. It's where you can have someone else cook for you (my personal fave), where you can read without feeling guilty, where you can sit and listen to the waves and not feel like you should be doing something else or gasp, you can even nap without your significant other getting mad at you (Shawn, this one's for you ;) )Your BRAIN needs this, your body...

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